Here are the steps to sync Société Générale Entreprise accounts :
- First of all, you need to configure the access on you bank website :
From a computer, connect to your Societe Generale Entreprises account with your Main account:
Once connected, on the left menu, under Administration, click on Gestion des utilisateurs
Add a new user to your account by clicking on the Créer un nouvel utilisateur button
Fill the required fields and click on Valider
Carefully write down the ID number and password
You can now add read only rights (without Secure Access or Administration access) to your newly created user. Under Gestion des droits, make sure that:
- User has "Oui" under "Droits Sogecash Net"
- User has "Non" under "Droits administratifs" (to change values click on Oui or Non)
- User has "Yes" under "Utilisation de services Tiers"
You are now required to log in with this newly created user before being able to use it within Bridge. Still from a computer, logout form your main account and connect to with your newly created user.
Once connected, follow the quick steps to create a new password
Then, fill the required fields and click on Valider
Then, you must fill in:
Your 8-digit customer ID (listed on your online banking contract and on your bank account statements).
- Your 6-digit password.
Use a strong customer authentication depending on your bank interface type.
Error while performing Strong Customer Authentication
In cas user cannot perform its SCA, we invite to perform the following actions :
- Secure pass is activated en enrolled (smartphone or computer).
- If an error message shows up at SCA validation, please invite the user to connect to this bank openbanking link.
- At the end of the funnel, customer may be redirected to the following page, please verify that "accès aux services de tiers" is enabled in the bank administration interface :